wednesday, february 10, 2010

today i:
worked with my hands
made the most of what i had
visited with my dad
had exploring adventures
conducted business
jumped a friend's car
had nice interactions with the grocery cashier
got free olives
made art
hung artwork & decor at the apartment
was generally content

saturday, february 6, 2010

today i:
stayed busy and got through work happy
made my home sparkling clean
welcomed first-time guests to my home
saw good friends
played rock band
ate a yummy dinner at satco
enjoyed a rare few drinks
didn't have to drive
took in live music at the exit/in
relaxed after a fun night at cafe coco
slept so well

friday, february 5, 2010

today i:
tucked in my shirt and wore a belt
made it through work still standing..
got out of the house to do some window shopping
saw the kindness of others when my phone (left in a dressing room) was found and returned
played rock band

thursday, february 4, 2010

today i:
worked at the job i am blessed to have
surprised myself with my cheeriness
cleaned and organized feverishly
got a meeting to plan my first project at the cfa
relied on and was not disappointed by a friend
cooked a healthy dinner
cooked a chocolate-y dessert
indulged in superficial television watching

wednesday, february 3, 2010

today i:
worked at the job i am blessed to have
watched the premiere of "lost"
made my first sale in my new etsy shop
accepted a curatorial position at the center for the arts
met an inspiring elderly artist
felt so appreciated by the people around me
got free hummus with a coupon
packaged my etsy sale with a cute vintage postcard invoice
could hardly sleep because of the excitement and joy of the day

tuesday, february 2, 2010

today i:
decided february will be a month of taking care of myself
hung some artwork in the apartment
polished 35 brass candlesticks
had yummy, healthy oatmeal for breakfast

monday, february 1, 2010

today i:
worked in spite of the weather
helped a very nice customer for most of the day
ran errands to return unused supply items
scoured the thrift store
bought 35 candlesticks!
ate yummy indian food for dinner
had a long, tough talk with a friend
went to bed early

sunday, january 31, 2010

today i:
slept in
listened to snow and ice melt
worked on my etsy shop
had dinner with friends
played rock band
had yummy hot cocoa

saturday, january 30, 2010

today i:
got up early
called out of work
took pictures of the snowy and icy landscape
opened blinds to let the bright winter light inside
enjoyed a peaceful morning
photographed items to sell online
took measurements and wrote descriptions
finally opened my etsy shop
practiced my drum beats and fills
watched t.v.